frequently asked questions
Schools FAQs
Twinn Palms Homestay is a housing management service dedicated to providing comprehensive services to students, host families, schools, and overseas partners. Twinn Palms provides Homestay Coordinators to closely work with our host families to ensure that our students have an enjoyable and safe experience while in the United States. Our coordinators also recruit, manage, and provide support to students, host families, and schools to ensure a rewarding and successful experience for all involved.
Twinn Palms is a homestay and housing management company dedicated to providing comprehensive services to students, host families, and schools. We ensure a safe and efficient process to make our students’ stay in the United States a positive and rewarding experience.
When you choose to partner with Twinn Palms you are getting years of combined experience and the personal attention Twinn Palms is known for. We are diligent in every aspect of your experience.
We provide a variety of programs and services:
- Homestay – Host Home and Boarding Programs
- Program Management
- Academic and Cultural Programs such as:
- Twinn Palms Institute
- ESL Program
- College Tours
- After School Tutoring Program
- Explore USA!
- College Preparation
- Experiential Weekday/Weekend Trips
- Twinn Palms Institute
- Host Family Support
- Student Support
- School Support
Yes, your student is to be fully engaged in school; including school-approved field trips. If the field trips are overnight or cross state lines, approval from their host parents, Homestay Coordinators, and natural parents. Students must notify and receive approval from their Homestay Coordinators at least four weeks prior to the scheduled field trip.
Among other requirements, Twinn Palms expects its host families to:
- Provide a safe, supportive, and loving home for the duration of your student’s stay
- Welcome your student into your family and encourage him/her to participate in all aspects of family life: meals, chores, transportation, engage in meaningful conversation
- Provide the love and understanding a young person needs to enjoy a successful academic year in America.
Among other requirements, Twinn Palms expects its students to:
- Know and abide by all program rules.
- Be an active and responsible member of your host family, keeping in mind they are here to love and support you.
- Attend school daily, complete all your assigned homework and classwork.
- Keep an open line of communication between you, your host family, and Homestay Coordinator.
- Maintain a grade of C or above in every course. Seek out help/tutoring if you are having a challenging time in your classes.
Yes, all required documentation has already been completed and filed before your student arrives. The host family will act as legal guardians over your student and will be responsible for him/her during the entire stay.
First and foremost all questions/concerns you have regarding your student will go through his/her host family. Since they are acting as legal guardians, they will be your main point of contact. A Homestay Coordinator will be assigned to your student throughout the duration of your student’s stay. Your Coordinator is required to submit monthly reports on every student he/she supervises. You will be working very closely with your student’s host family and Homestay Coordinator to conduct scheduled visits, discuss/resolve any issues that may arise, and provide training as necessary to both you, your student, and his/her host family.
Our experience is that most issues that may arise are a result of miscommunication, unrealistic expectations, or cultural misunderstandings. The majority of the time these misunderstandings can be resolved with open communication and mediation between yourself, the host family, your student, and your Homestay Coordinator. If, after careful deliberation and mediation it is determined that the issues cannot be resolved, the Homestay Coordinator will place your students in another home within the same school district (whenever possible). A student may not change families without approval from their Homestay Coordinator, as any new host family must be fully screened and vetted in compliance with our program regulations.
Please visit our website for more information regarding our homestay programs and any other resources that may be helpful.
All students are required to sign and abide by the Twinn Palms Code of Conduct to abide by all program rules. If a student is having trouble abiding by the rules or struggling academically, first contact his/her host family. They will attempt to resolve any concern/issue with you. If that does not solve the situation the Homestay Coordinator will step in, assess the situation, and make recommendations on how to rectify the behavioral or academic issues. The Homestay Coordinator will contact his/her Regional Manager on a case by case situation if further disciplinary action; including a warning, probation, or more serious consequences, are necessary. Students are well informed of the disciplinary procedures prior to their arrival and are expected to abide by the program rules at all times.
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